četrtek, 10. marec 2016

Operating system

An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs. The operating system is a component of the system software in a computer system. Application programs usually require an operating system to function.
Time-sharing operating systems schedule tasks for efficient use of the system and may also include accounting software for cost allocation of processor time, mass storage, printing, and other resources.
For hardware functions such as input and output and memory allocation, the operating system acts as an intermediary between programs and the computer hardware, although the application code is usually executed directly by the hardware and frequently makes system calls to an OS function or is interrupted by it. Operating systems are found on many devices that contain a computer – from cellular phones and video game consoles to web servers and supercomputers.
Examples of popular desktop operating systems include Apple OS X, Linux and its variants, and Microsoft Windows. So-called mobile operating systems include Android and iOS.

The Url takes you to a page that explains the best OS for you:

What is a computer made of

What is a computer made of

The image below show the many components of a PC. All of these a necessary in order for your PC to work. Below the image there is a URL that leads to the source of the picture and a post about building your perfect PC from PC Magazine.

There are many different manufacturers of computer hardware, so you have a lot to choose from. Ask a clerc at your local Computer store for advice on which parts you should buy depending on what kind of a PC you want. When you choose your own parts, don't cut corners with slightly cheaper components something low-cost PC vendors do to increase profit margins. And when you build for yourself, you know that your PC isn't crammed with software and services that you have no use for, such as online services when you already have broadband.

The URL of the picture and a post about building your perfect PC from PC magazine: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,1600381,00.asp

VIDEO: Build your PC

Once you have your parts you have to put the together.

The video is 30 minutes long and briefly show how to build a PC in 30 minutes.
I advise building a PC as fast a possible as you can easily make mistakes and just one mistake can mean the difference between a functioning and non-functioning computer.  

The URL of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bUghCx9iso

Blogi sošolcev

  • http://davidrai.blogspot.si/
  • http://spletechx.blogspot.si/
  • http://itnewsdelta.blogspot.si/

O blogerju

Sem Aljaž Zajc in to je moj blog. Sem iz Ljubljane in študiram a Višji strokovni šoli v Kranju in sicer smer Informatika. Objavljal bom novice povezane z informatiko. Upam da se boste kaj naučili

Java Script


JavaScript je objektni skriptni programski jezik, ki ga je razvil Netscape, da bi spletnim programerjem pomagal pri ustvarjanju interaktivnih spletnih strani.
Jezik je bil razvit neodvisno od Jave, vendar si z njo deli številne lastnosti in strukture. JavaScript lahko sodeluje s HTML-kodo in s tem poživi stran z dinamičnim izvajanjem. JavaScript podpirajo velika programska podjetja in kot odprt jezik ga lahko uporablja vsakdo, ne da bi pri tem potreboval licenco. Podpirajo ga vsi novejši spletni brskalniki.
Zadnja stabilna različica je 17. junija 2015 uradno standardiziran ECMAScript 6, vendar se zaradi omejene podpore novih funkcionalnosti v spletnih brskalnikih in na strežnikih še zmeraj večinoma uporablja ECMAScript 5 iz leta 2009.

Opis jezika

Sintaksa jezika JavaScript ohlapno sledi programskemu jeziku C. Prav tako kot C, JavaScript nima vgrajenih vhodno izhodnih funkcij, zato je njihova izvedba odvisna od gostitelja.
JavaScript se veliko uporablja za ustvarjanje dinamičnih spletnih strani. Program se vgradi ali pa vključi v HTML, da opravlja naloge, ki niso mogoče samo s statično stranjo. Na primer odpiranje novih oken, preverjanje pravilnost vnesenih podatkov, enostavni izračuni ipd. Na žalost različni spletni brskalniki izpostavijo različne objekte za uporabo. Za podporo vseh brskalnikov je zato treba napisati več različic funkcij.
Zunaj spleta se JavaScript uporablja v različnih orodjih. Adobe Acrobat in Adobe Reader ga podpirata v datotekah PDF. Podpirata ga tudi operacijska sistema Microsoft Windows in Mac OS X.
Programi imajo svoje objektne modele, ki zagotavljajo dostop do gostiteljevega okolja, samo jedro jezika JavaScript pa je v vseh programih večinoma enako.